Taekwondo Grappling Techniques: Hone Your Competitive Edge for Mixed Martial Arts | 輕鬆瘦下來的秘訣 - 2024年5月

Taekwondo Grappling Techniques: Hone Your Competitive Edge for Mixed Martial Arts

作者:Kemerly, Tony/ Snyder, Steve

Take Taekwondo beyond just kicking and punching--discover powerful grappling moves that build on the patterns you already know Taekwondo is the most popular Korean martial art, with over 70 million practitioners in the world. Taekwondo Grappling Techniques presents the most effective grappling maneuvers ever developed for Taekwondo. With this comprehensive Taekwondo book as your guide, you'll confidently defend yourself against attacks and apply your own devastating grappling techniques to bring assailants into submission. This guide contains 15 chapters with 89 different Taekwondo techniques. Movements include: Low Double Knifehand Block to Circular BlockUpward Elbow Strike to Double Knifehand BlockSitting Stance Punch to Sitting Stance Punch to Outer Forearm BlockReverse Punch to Scooping BlockSquare Block to Inward Knifehand StrikeVertical Spearhand Strike to High Backfist StrikeReverse Inner Forearm Block to Reverse PunchDouble Knifehand Block to High PunchIncludes instructional DVD.

Tony Kemerly, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Exercise Science and Sport Science at High Point University. His martial arts experience includes the rank of black sash in Blue Dragon Kung Fu, and black belt ranks in Taekwondo with the World Taekwondo Federation, the International Taekwondo Federation, and Living Defense Martial Arts. Dr. Kemerly lives in High Point, North Carolina. Steve Snyder owns and operates a full-time martial arts studio with his wife in High Point, North Carolina. Among his many belts is a fifth degree black belt in Taekwondo.
